#103 – Balancing passion, brand and health – Interview with Andreas Veilstrup Andersen – CEO Liseberg (engl.)

Building brands is usually connected with long processes, trail and error and loads of learnings. Liseberg is no exception. As part of the city of Gotenborg Liseberg is much more than the typical themepark. It is part of the community and society, connecting people of all ages and creating memories for generations. Andreas is part of this story and speaks about his personal learning throughout the years of managing Liseberg and balancing his own passion and health.



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#102 – The science of experiences – Interview with Wim Strijbosch (Researcher, Lecturer at Breda University)

How can someone measure the quality of an experience? There are so many different factors to consider but the body does not lie. Wim Strijbosch is lecturer and researcher at Breda University of applied sciences and goes deep into the core of measuring experiences by collecting data from visitors. How does it work and why it is a emotional project can be found out in this episode.


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